Infrastructure Construction Sector: COVID-19 Recovery Study


The New Zealand Infrastructure Commission (Infracom) is seeking to understand the economic impact of COVID-19 on your business and sector, the current challenges you face and solutions that can aid recovery. The information gathered through this survey will help Infracom to identify and define suitable policy responses that will have a real impact on the Infrastructure-related construction sector and the wider New Zealand economy. 

As part of this work, Infracom has engaged Deloitte, supported by AECOM, to undertake a study on the impact of COVID-19 on the infrastructure-related construction sector, with a view of identifying and developing a set of policy interventions to accelerate recovery. The first stage of the research involved a series of interviews with key industry stakeholders, which included the NZIOB CEO. The second stage of information gathering is via a survey of the broader industry. The online survey is now live, via the Infracom survey link.

To minimise duplication, this survey has been designed with the consideration of surveys recently fielded to the sector. The survey will close on Wednesday, 30 September 2020. 

If you have any questions on the survey, please contact

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