Recent MBIE submissions & invitation for member involvement in future submissions


Requests from the Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment (MBIE) for the construction industry to provide feedback on their building and construction legislative and policy proposals have occurred with great regularity this past two months. The NZIOB is not alone in having to be selective about which topics we allocate writing resource to, and so our focus across June and July has been to provide feedback on three MBIE proposals that we believe will be particularly impactful on our membership. Those NZIOB submissions can be viewed via the following links:

In addition, the NZIOB has submitted feedback to the New Zealand Qualification Association (NZQA) proposals for ‘Simplifying NZ Qualifications and other Credentials’, while the NZIOB and RMBA are currently working on a joint submission on the ‘Construction Contracts (Retention Money) Amendment Bill’.

Later this year, we are expecting calls for submissions on ‘Building for Climate Change’ and the ‘Repeal of the Resource Management Act’, both of which are important subject matters for the construction industry.

To assist in the production of submissions on these and other topics that will arise, NZIOB members have an opportunity to become involved in small working groups that will be formed to work with the CEO on producing submissions on the following topics:

  • Procurement and Risk
  • Regulatory framework/building controls
  • The Resource Management Act
  • Sustainability and climate change

NZIOB members who would like the opportunity to contribute to an NZIOB submission that is aligned to their area of interest and expertise, are encouraged to express their interest with NZIOB CEO, Malcolm Fleming via

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