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DigiComm25 - Growing our global digital community

20 March 2025 - Tāmaki | Auckland

A ‘Radically Different’ approach to conference delivery with relevant, exciting, and cutting-edge content at HALF THE PRICE of an equivalent one-day conference.

Bring the team! Register two of your team and receive a third complimentary registration. Deal closes 14 February.


NZ Building Industry Awards entries open next week

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

Entries for the 2021 NZ Building Industry Awards open on Wednesday, 10 February. The Awards are open to anyone who participates in the design and delivery of New Zealand’s built environment. For employers of finalists, it is an opportunity for them to showcase their company’s capability and the talent that their culture and systems produce.

NZIOB Kalmar Fishing Competition

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

Registrations are now open for the upcoming NZIOB Kalmar Fishing Competition 2021. Prize Categories include: Snapper, Kingfish, Trevally, John Dory, Kahawai + spot prizes! Numbers are limited so tickets will be sold on a first-in, first-served basis.

Building Legends: Second Auckland Workshop added

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

The Carters-sponsored Building Legends workshops are developed specifically for construction practitioners. The third topic in the series focuses on Financial Management. Due to high demand, a second Auckland workshop has been scheduled for June. There are still a few spaces available for the Christchurch workshop, which starts later this month.

NZIOB back from holiday, ready for 2021!

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

By now, most of our members are back at work after (hopefully) a nice break away from the office. After an unusually difficult 2020, it was more important than ever to have a change of scenery and recharge the batteries. Staff in the National Office took full advantage of the pleasant weather, enjoying themselves doing various activities in various locations around the country.

Welcome to our newest Members

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

The following people joined the NZIOB recently, having their membership ratified by the NZIOB Board in December. A warm welcome to you all and we look forward to connecting with you at an upcoming NZIOB event.

Standards NZ Survey: NZ 3910

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

Standards New Zealand has been commissioned by the construction industry to undertake a review of NZS 3910 Conditions of contract for buildings and civil engineering construction. NZIOB members are asked to contribute by completing a survey, which will take approximately 15 minutes to complete.

Construction job gains make up for tourism and media losses

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

A ''remarkable'' drop in unemployment has been announced, being most unexpected given the impact of last year’s COVID-19 lockdowns. Statistics NZ data showed unemployment stood at 4.9 percent at the end of December, well below economists' expectations, while the accompanying household labour force survey found that many of the jobs lost were offset by construction. 

Building the case for digital transformation in construction

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

Surrounded by the waters of Auckland's Hauraki Gulf, Wynyard Quarter is being developed into one of the city's most exciting precincts. In keeping with this area's cutting-edge nature, the recently opened Wynyard 100 is a poster-child for digital transformation in construction.

Online modules to better understand the Building Code

Posted on Friday 05 February, 2021

New Zealand’s building regulatory system is built on the Building Act 2004 and anchored by the performance-based Building Code. MBIE’s Building Performance Team has made online learning modules available, which provide a great introductory overview of New Zealand’s building regulatory system.


Find out more and access the modules

NZIOB submission made on CIWDC Order in Council

Posted on Thursday 04 February, 2021

In February 2019, the Minister of Education launched a consultation to fundamentally reform vocational education in Aotearoa – the Reform of Vocational Education (RoVE). Six Workforce Development Councils (WDCs) have since been created, including the Construction & Infrastructure Workforce Development Council (CIWDC). The instrument used to establish these WDCs is called an Order in Council, and on 5 February the NZIOB made a submission on the draft CIWDC Order in Council.

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