Industry insights: Kāinga Ora - Project Velocity & the Housing Delivery System

Time and Date(s)

06/11/2024 at 12:00 PM ⇢ 06/11/2024 at 12:45 PM




In this Industry Insights webinar we will hear from the team at Kāinga Ora, including Matthew Hullett - General Manager Delivery Transformation, about their transformational Housing Delivery System. The System is projected to cut new public housing construction build times by 80% and costs by at least 30% through planning and delivering construction work and materials differently. 

We’ll hear what makes the system different, where things are at with the system and how we in the industry can learn from what the team at Kāinga Ora are doing.



In mid-2020 after a directive from Government to significantly scale up its build program, Kāinga Ora embarked on Project Velocity – a serious effort to figure out how to get better houses over the line quicker and cheaper.  

Out of Project Velocity, Kāinga Ora developed what it refers to as the Housing Delivery System (HDS), which primarily front-foots logjams by getting everyone around the table at the beginning of a project, to make it clear exactly what is required of each party and when – sometimes down to the hour. 


How does the Housing Delivery System work?

The HDS co-ordinates and tracks the thousands of tasks involved in planning and building a home, to schedule the work more efficiently and make the best use of resources.

Multi-disciplinary teams save time by troubleshooting on the spot rather than waiting for email replies

Every professional is together in one place from day one of the project - including architects, development and project managers, civil and structural engineers and landscape architects.

Professionals are asked to provide a realistic time they expect a task to take, called a ‘Reasonable Expectation’. This accuracy drives a reliable flow of work that enables predictable results, and detailed advanced planning reduces onsite delays.

Working side-by-side means different specialists understand how and why their individual tasks impact a housing project. Feedback from teams note the faster and effective in-person collaboration, the unique opportunity to learn regularly from other disciplines, the stronger sense of teamwork and overall efficiency and speed of project delivery.

Throughout the construction stages more predictable building timelines mean the sector can work with more confidence, securing building materials, crew and sub-contractors in advance.


Read an update from March 2024




Public Event

CPD Credits: 3

CPD Credits: 3

Ticket Price: $50.00 + GST

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