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DigiComm25 - Growing our global digital community

20 March 2025 - Tāmaki | Auckland

A ‘Radically Different’ approach to conference delivery with relevant, exciting, and cutting-edge content at HALF THE PRICE of an equivalent one-day conference.

Bring the team! Register two of your team and receive a third complimentary registration. Deal closes 14 February.


Digital Triplets: Construction Industry collaboration improving productivity through clarity and consistency  

Posted on Thursday 30 November, 2023

We commonly hear that the construction sector is fragmented and suffering from a lack of collaboration, however collaborating organisations are working hard to change that.

The New Zealand Construction Industry Council (NZCIC), the NZ Institute of Building (NZIOB), and Te Waihanga | NZ Infrastructure Commission are all leaders of change responding to the Construction Sector Accord’s Transformation Plan.

This month sees the launch of three guidelines that have all been revised and better digitised to improve productivity, mitigate and fairly allocate risk, and future proofing the built environment. These projects are the culmination of years of effort from across the sector, representing strong collaboration between Government and Industry groups.

Member spotlight: Jane Jujnovich

Posted on Thursday 30 November, 2023

Jane Jujnovich won the James Hardie Innovation Award at the 2023 NZ Building People Awards. Jane is a Project Director at Kāinga Ora, she was awarded for her transformative work on Te Mātāwai project in Tāmaki Makaurau | Auckland.

Jane’s glass half full approach has driven change right through her organisation to focus on the greater social outcomes in everything they do, leading her to be described by her colleagues at Kāinga Ora as the “True North.”

We asked Jane a few questions to get to know her better.

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