MentorMIX: Call for Mentors


After a highly successful pilot, MentorMIX is back for 2025, thanks to the support of GIB!

To start things off we are calling for any of our Institute members who are keen to participate as a mentor for this year’s programme.

The NZ Institute of Building is a pan-industry organization, meaning our members come from diverse backgrounds and roles. With the MentorMIX program, our mentees (Next Gen members who sign up) will have the opportunity to connect with a variety of mentors through both online and in-person sessions (location-dependent).

The idea behind MentorMIX is that we want people to be involved from across the sector to give our mentees an understanding of the range of roles and opportunities out there.

This flexible approach to mentoring allows mentees to meet with different mentors—some of whom may become valuable connections. Our goal is to offer mentees a taste of various areas within construction, so all roles are welcome, including Project Managers, Architects, Design Managers, and Site Managers.

How it will run:

  1. You’ll register your interest
  2. We’ll let you know if you will be needed this year (this will depend on numbers and having a range of experience across the mentors)
  3. You’ll complete a mentor profile, which will be shared with the mentees to help initiate conversations and offer support and resources along the way.
  4. You’ll attend an online mentor coaching session led by Mark Watson from Sophrosyne to help you prepare for your role as a mentor.
  5. The mentor programme will run from May – October. Mentees will be tasked with approaching mentors to set up times to meet (either online or in person).
  6. We will have a feedback session at the end of the program, followed by a wrap-up party.

Based on last years’ experience, the time commitment is approximately 3-6 hours per month, from May to October. This includes both one-on-one sessions and group webinars.

Once we’ve confirmed the number of mentors and mentees who sign up, we’ll provide more detailed information about the program’s format and structure.

You don’t have to have all the answers to act as a mentor – just a perspective and your own experiences to share. If you'd like to participate as a mentor, please register by completing this form and tell us a little about yourself!

Thank you to all our sponsors for their generous support

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Industry Affiliations




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