Tall Stories: Guy Marriage, Anna Farrow, Ben Jagersma
Podcast posted on 19/12/2022 under Tall Stories

Tall Stories podcasts unravel the career journeys of guests from the Built Environment. We delve into the personal stories about inspirational career journeys from people in design and construction.

Hosted by Ralph Titmuss, our guests, two 'rising stars' and one 'wise head', share their stories with you on their malleable and divergent career pathways, what they encountered, and how they navigated and continue to carve their journey.

Their journey has been captured in a visual one-page flow-chart that you can download. A helpful encapsulation for younger graduates and emerging professionals to visualise pathway opportunities that are not necessarily pre-determined after graduation or by their first job.

This episode explores the formation of First Light Studio by Guy Marriage, Anna Farrow and Ben Jagersma, how it started, the inspiration and overtime where it lead them. 

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