Light Lunch with Christian McCartney & Kevin O'Neill from Hawkins
Webinar posted on 20/5/2024 under Light Lunch

In this Light Lunch we chat with Cristian McCartney and Kevin O’Neill from Hawkins. Christian is the BIM and Technology Systems Lead and Kevin is the VDC/BIM Manager at Hawkins.

They discuss industry trends, work-life balance, and advice for the next generation.

Key takeaways from Christian and Kevin:

  • The future of the construction industry is feeling uncertain with a lack of confidence and stalled projects which is affecting future workforce opportunities.
  • The industry needs to embrace flexible and remote work arrangements to improve work-life balance and retain good people.
  •  We need to share knowledge, particularly new learnings around technology, to help lift innovation across the industry.
  • Advice for the next generation - never stop learning and asking questions - be open to new ways of doing things.

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