Light Lunch with Philip Negus & David Waters
Webinar posted on 30/5/2024 under Light Lunch

In this Light Lunch Philip Negus (Specifier Services) and David Waters (Market Development) from APL Window Systems discuss the state of the building industry, challenges facing their business, communication changes over time, and advice for the next generation.

Three top takeaways:

  1. There is a need for more education around building performance and maintenance for homeowners to get the most out of their investment. Proactive maintenance is key.
  2. Communication has changed dramatically with new technologies, leading to constant bombardment of information. It's important to disconnect and manage stress.
  3. Advice – make a plan and stick to it – it can be for a year or 10 years but it’s important to have something you are working toward. 

Watch the full recording below. 

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