Apply to be part of the Engineer to the Contract Panel


Engineers to the Contract (EtCs) play a vital role in the delivery of building and civil engineering construction projects as given in the New Zealand Standard (NZS) 3910:2013 conditions of contract. EtCs moderate the interests of the contractor and the principal in building and construction contracts. They also adjudicate where necessary. 

As defined in NZS 3910, and EtC can be a professional engineer, architect, surveyor or another person identified in the Special Conditions or appointed by the Principal. The EtC must be a natural person – they can’t be a body corporate or a firm. 

The Construction Sector Accord has commissioned Engineering NZ to establish a Panel of recognised EtCs who meet set criteria. The framework for the EtC Panel has now been finalised, with the next stage being to pilot the Panel with two government agencies, who will use the Panel to engage EtCs on their upcoming construction projects. 

Applications to become an EtC Panel member are welcome. The application process will open in January 2022. 

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