Cuba St Precinct site visit a sell-out event


The Central Region Committee hosted a sell-out site visit to the Cuba Precinct project on 23 July. Located in the centre of the popular Cuba Street, one of Wellington’s highest footfall zones, the Cuba Precinct is being redeveloped by Willis Bond & Co across three iconic sites. The former Farmers building at 94-102 Cuba Street is being seismically strengthened to 100% NBS and tied into the well-known former homes of Mighty Mighty and The Matterhorn. Highlights of the visit included insight into the retention methods of heritage features, viewing key structural elements, and a behind-the-scenes look into future developments in the area. 

Thank you to the following people who spoke at the event, providing insight into this important project: 

Rosalind Luxford – Senior Development Manager, Willis Bond & Co.
Sam Williams - Development Manager, Willis Bond & Co.
Katherine Dean – Landlord Architect, Athfield Architects
Michelle Cooper – Tenant Architect, Athfield Architects
Adam Thornton – Structural Engineer, Dunning Thornton Consultants
Kerrin Manuel – Director, LT McGuinness
Nigel Corry – General Manager, People and Customer Group, GWRC
Tim Penwarden – Project Manager, GWRC

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