NZIOB Webinar: Collaborative Working Arrangements


Collaborative Working Arrangements (CWA) is a contractual arrangement that sees parties enter construction project delivery arrangements based on the foundations of shared goals, integrated planning, active client participation, and parties sharing the benefits of collaborative working.

The NZIOB has assembled a panel of speakers for this 60-minute webinar, who will provide an overview of CWA via short and integrated presentations from main contractor, consultant, and client representatives who have worked on New Zealand CWA projects. 

Covered in the presentation will be:

  • An introduction on what CWA is (and isn’t)
  • Why CWA in today’s environment?   
  • An outline of the CWA process with local examples of it being used 

8:30am–9:30am, Wed 22 Sep
Free for NZIOB Members / $25 plus GST for Non-Members 

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