Auckland registrations open for Building Legends Workshop: Contracts 101


The Carters-sponsored Building Legends workshops are developed specifically for construction practitioners. The topic for the next workshop series is Contracts 101 and we are pleased to announce dates for a workshop in Auckland. Should the March workshop be over-subscribed, we propose to run a second Auckland workshop in the second quarter of 2022. 

Contracts 101 – Interpreting and Administering a Construction Contract 

Contracts 101 will be of interest to any builder or project manager who submits and/or reviews tenders, negotiates and/or signs contracts, or works under the terms of those agreements. 

The workshop has two components:

  • Contract interpretation – ensuring that all parties are aware of their responsibilities under the contract
  • Contract Administration – providing practical tools and techniques to both, ensure project team familiarisation with the contract, and to link project operations to the contract 

Workshop Outline 

Contract Interpretation 

  • Documents issued prior to the Date of Acceptance of Tender: What are the documents that comprise the invitation to tender and how to interpret them
  • Notice to tenderers: What they are they and how to deal with amendments to documents that have been previously issued
  • The Contractor’s tender: Determining the essential elements of an offer
  • Post offer negotiations: What they mean and how to keep a record of the negotiations tidy
  • The counteroffer and acceptance: Delineating between the separate stages that lead to acceptance
  • The Contract agreement: Converting the acceptance into ‘The Contract’ 

Contract Administration 

  • Treating the contract as a document to be referred to continuously – front of mind for the management and project team
  • Tips on ensuring project operations are aligned with the agreement
  • Converting actionable items into a roles and responsibilities matrix
  • Scenario roleplaying with your teams to ensure contract comprehension 


  • Charles Brown, Engineer to Contract Lead and Project Director, The Building Intelligence Group
  • Janine Stewart, Partner – Construction, MinterEllisonRuddWatts
  • Sam Lomax, General Manager and Director, Savory Construction 

Workshop Details 

  • The workshop is run over 2 x three-hour sessions and registration covers both sessions:

Session 1: Wed 9 March 2022 (3:00pm-6:00pm)
Session 2: Wed 23 March 2022 (3:00pm-6:00pm)

  • Cost: The cost for the workshop will be $475 + GST for NZIOB Members and $575 + GST for Non-Members.
  • Location: Carters Head Office, 64-68 Harris Road, East Tamaki, Auckland
  • CPD Credits for NZIOB Members: 10 

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