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NZIOB AGM & Election results

Posted on Friday 16 July, 2021

The NZIOB AGM was held on Tuesday 13 July, preceded by a successful site tour of McKee Fehl’s High Commission of India project, and followed by an informative presentation from CONCove’s General Manager, Bharti Raniga. At the AGM, the election of officers for the 2021-2023 National Board and Regional Committees was formalised.

Student Event: Future Building Legends

Posted on Friday 16 July, 2021

The NZIOB is hosting the first of its 2021 Student Mentoring Programme seminars on the 4th of August in Wellington. Student attendees will hear from established and upcoming industry professionals about their careers to date, how to carve your own path in the workplace, and the realities of the construction industry for recent graduates.

Recent MBIE submissions & invitation for member involvement in future submissions

Posted on Friday 16 July, 2021

Requests from MBIE for construction industry feedback on their building and construction legislative and policy proposals have occurred with great regularity this past two months. The NZIOB has provided feedback on three MBIE proposals that we believe will be particularly impactful on our membership.

Hays Construction & NZIOB Annual Salary Guide survey

Posted on Friday 16 July, 2021

The annual Hays Construction and NZIOB Salary Guide is an important survey undertaken for the Institute's members and the broader construction sector. The relevancy and accuracy of our annual guide are totally dependent on our members completing the following survey, therefore your participation is highly appreciated.

The NZIOB welcomes a new National Sponsor

Posted on Friday 25 June, 2021

The NZIOB National Office is delighted to announce a new partnership with Pink® Batts®. From 1 July, Pink® Batts® is officially on board as one of the NZIOB’s three National Sponsors, joining Hays and Resene Construction Systems. They, along with our National Partner GIB®, form the NZIOB’s family of core supporters.

Welcome to our new Members

Posted on Friday 25 June, 2021

The NZIOB welcomes its newest members, who had their memberships ratified by the NZIOB Board on 17 June. NZIOB members have opportunities to make professional contacts, advance their careers and business, gain knowledge at exclusive events, and help shape the industry.

Building Legends Financial Management workshop in Wellington

Posted on Friday 25 June, 2021

Sold-out Building Legends Financial Management workshops were recently held in Auckland and Christchurch. Due to demand, the workshop will now be repeated for Wellington attendees. Registrations will be opening soon, but in the meantime you can register your interest in attending.

Site tour of Linwood Pool: Te Pou Toetoe

Posted on Friday 25 June, 2021

On 17 June, the Southern Region Committee hosted a site visit to Linwood Pool: Te Pou Toetoe. Despite the cold weather, the site tour was well attended and enjoyed by all. The project completion date is on track, with the pools opening to the public in a few months’ time.

NZIOB Elections: Voting opens 15 June

Posted on Friday 11 June, 2021

 The 2021 NZIOB election is the Institute’s second under the 2019 NZIOB Constitution. Following the closing of nominations on 13 May, the Institute is in the enviable position of having a greater number of candidates than there are positions to fill, therefore an online election will occur to determine the successful candidate for those positions.

2021 NZIOB AGM and Site Tour

Posted on Friday 11 June, 2021

The NZIOB Central Region Committee will be hosting this year’s AGM in Wellington on 13 July. The event will begin with a site tour of the Indian High Commission in Thorndon, followed by project presentations and AGM at the National Library.

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